Job News

Print The Nigeria Police Confirmation Slip 2025

Print The Nigeria Police Confirmation Slip 2025: This information was released by the Nigeria Police Force via its official portal at All selected candidates are to download and print the NPF confirmation slip before or before the required date.

The Nigeria Police Force has instructed all shortlisted candidates to visit its official portal to print the Nigeria Police confirmation slip. If you would like more details, read through this page to the end.

It’s essential for candidates to understand how to print their medical screening slip and specialist interview slip. This article offers a step-by-step overview to assist all candidates with this crucial task.

How Do I Print The Nigeria Police Confirmation Slip

To successfully print the confirmation slip, kindly visit designated for Nigeria police recruitment or the portal officially assigned by the Police Service Commission.

Use your Nigeria police recruitment login credentials to access your account.

To successfully print the confirmation slip, enter your National Identification Number (NIN) in the space provided.

Then proceed to print the Nigeria Police Confirmation Slip.

The Nigeria Police confirmation slip is a document that contains all your personal details, your NPF application number, as well as your CBT date, time, and venue.

You need to download and print this slip and bring it along with you to the Nigeria Police CBT center, as it will serve as your proof of identity and accessibility for the test.

Printing the confirmation slip is a crucial step in the Nigeria Police Force recruitment process. By following the above steps and ensuring accuracy in providing required information, selected candidates can successfully prepare themselves for these essential assessments.

Finally, note that timely preparation and attention to all details contribute to a smooth and seamless recruitment experience throughout the application journey.

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